Dear supplier,
The HSE recommends you to add the proof of delivery (POD) as an attachment when creating your invoice(s).
To add your proof of delivery to your electronic invoice submitted on SAP Ariba via the PO flip process, you can do it directly when you create your electronic invoice. You can create your invoice by accessing your purchase order via your email notification or you may also login to your SAP Ariba supplier portal directly:
  1. Click on Workbench Orders.
  2. Click on the Purchase Order number (PO) you want to invoice and attach the POD to.
  3. Click on Create Invoice > Standard Invoice
  4. In the invoice screen header page, click on the Add to header drop down menu on the top right of your invoice
  5. Select Attachment. This will add an attachment section on your invoice.
  6. Click on Choose file to select your POD file.
  7. Click on Add attachment to add it to your invoice.
  8. This will show your file name under the Attachment section.
Please find enclosed a link to additional information and video tutorials associated to Standard account features: Welcome to your SAP Business Network Standard Account (